Aquamarine is a top quality, blue coloured gemstone of the Beryl family. With its transparency and exceptional brilliance, Aquamarine transmits an elegance and sobriety to high jewellery creations.
The name comes from the Latin "Aqua Marina", and it is the iron content in its chemical composition which gives it its blue colour. It evokes the colours and beauty of the South Seas. From light blue to transparent intense blue, crystals of significant dimensions can be found in various parts of the world.
Monseo predominantly uses Brazilian aquamarine in its creations, one of the most appreciated varieties.
Since ancient times, this gemstone has symbolised youth, hope and fidelity. The Greeks considered that the Aquamarine was a way of being lucky in love, especially in marriage. In the Roman Empire, it was believed that it could reconcile friends who were in conflict. In Medieval Europe, couples used Aquamarine to revive their love.
At a spiritual level, it helps us find our path and protects us from the outside.
A symbol of protection, it was used in engagement rings long before diamonds.
Aquamarine also has its place among royal jewellery. We find this gem in the tiara known as the Brazilian, owned by the crown of England, or the Art Deco tiara of Queen Juliana of Holland.